Category No. 208/2021
Number of Candidates in the Main List : 103
Number of Candidates in the Supplementary List : 119
Total number of Candidates in the Probability List : 222
The following is the Probability List containing the Register Numbers of candidates who are found provisionally eligible to be included in the Ranked list, subject to the verification of the Original documents, for selection to the post of Overseer Gr II (Electrical) – STATEWIDE (Category No. 208/2021 ) in Universities in Kerala on Rs.22,200-48,000/- on the basis of the OMR test held on 16-06-2023.The Register Numbers are arranged in their numerical sequence and the arrangement does not in any way, indicate their respective rank on the basis of the said test. The candidates whose numbers are included in Probability List are directed to be present for verification of original documents as per schedule published in due course.

(1) Inclusion of Register Numbers in this list is purely provisional subject to scrutiny and admission of application on absolute basis. Inclusion of Register numbers in the Probability List does not confer any right on the candidate for inclusion in the Ranked List.
(2) The list has been prepared by including the number of candidates who have secured top marks in the OMR Test, based on the details furnished by the candidates in the application for the post.Subsequent claims made will not be entertained at any stage.
(3) 103 (One Hundred and three) candidates who have secured top most marks in the OMR examination are included in the Main list of this Probability list. The mark secured by the last candidate in the main list is 51.67 ( fifty one (point) six seven ). For the purpose of satisfying the rules of reservation of appointment to Scheduled Castes,Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Economically Weaker Section and Differently Abled, necessary suppementary list is prepared by including sufficient number of candidates from lower mark ranges in the order of merit of the candidates belonging to such classes.
(4) Candidates included in the Probability List should present and produce in person the original documents for One Time Verification. Date, time and Venue of OTR Verification will be published shortly.
(5) The register number of candidates who do not produce the required documents within the prescribed time limit and whose application found otherwise defective will be deleted from the Probability list without further notice.
(6) According to the existing procedure, revaluation of answer scripts is not allowed but answer scripts can be rechecked after the publication of Ranked List. Detailed instructions will be published in the Ranked List to be published for the post.
(7) Candidates included in the Probability List who are eligible for reservation are required to produce Non Creamy Layer Certificate as per G.O(P)No.81/09/SCSTDD dated 26.09.2009 or that obtained through e-district project in the format prescribed in G.O(Rt) No 3942/2018/RD dated 24.09.2018 and SC/ST candidates are required to produce Community Certificate issued by the Revenue Authority and candidates who claim EWS reservation are required to produce EWS Certificate vide G.O(MS)No.2/2020/P&ARD dated 12.02.2020 issued by the revenue Authority along with other documents at the time of OTR verification of original documents.
(8) Copy of answer scripts of the OMR Test held on 16-06-2023 will be issued to those candidates who, apply for the same remitting the prescribed fee after publication of the Ranked List.
(9) Candidates whose Register Numbers are invalidated are advised to refer to Notification No:ERXV(2)3650/2023/EW dated 27.10.2023.
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