Engineering Assistant – Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Engineering Assistant – Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL; d/b/a Indian Oil) is an Indian government-owned oil and gas explorer and producer, headquartered in New Delhi. It is a public sector undertaking whose operations are overseen by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Indian Oil’s business interests overlap the entire hydrocarbon value-chain, including refining, pipeline transportation, marketing of petroleum products, exploration and production of crude oil, natural gas and petrochemicals. It is the largest government owned oil corporation in the country, with a net profit of $6.1 billion for the financial year 2020-21. As of 31 March 2021, Indian Oil’s employee strength is 31,648, out of which 17,762 are executives and 13,876 non-executives, while 2,775 are women, comprising 8.77% of the total workforce. Applications are invited from eligible Indian Nationals for the following non-executives vacancies in electrical trade in various locations of Pipelines Division as per details given below:
Post | Vacancy |
Engineering Assistant | 04 |
Technical Attendant-1 Grade-I | 33 |

Candidate should not be less than 18 years of age and should not be more than 26 years of age as on 12.09.2022. For age relaxation, refer point No. 7.0 (Concessions & Relaxations).
Name of Post & Salary Grade | Qualification requirement |
Engineering Assistant (Electrical) Grade-IV | Three years full time Diploma (or two years through lateral entry after ITI of minimum one year duration) in any of the following disciplines of Engineering from a Govt. recognized Institute: 1) Electrical Engineering 2) Electrical & Electronics Engineering Minimum percentage of marks: 55% marks (Pass marks for SC/ST/PwBD candidates for the posts reserved for them). |
Engineering Assistant (Operations) Grade-IV | Three years full time Diploma (or two years through lateral entry after ITI of minimum one year duration) in any of the following disciplines of Engineering from a Govt. recognized Institute: 1) Electrical Engineering 2) Electrical & Electronics Engineering Minimum percentage of marks: 55% marks (Pass marks for SC/ST/PwBD candidates for the posts reserved for them). |
Technical Attendant-1 Grade-I ( Electrician Trade ) | Matric / 10th pass and ITI pass from a Govt. recognized Institute in the specified ITI Trades from a Govt. recognized Institute/Board. Candidates should possess Trade Certificate / National Trade Certificate (NTC) issued by SCVT/NCVT. |
1) Salary Grade for the post of Engineering Assistant (Mechanical), Engineering Assistant (Electrical), Engineering Assistant (T&I) and Engineering Assistant (Operations) shall be Grade IV in the Pay Scale of Rs. 25000-105000.
2) Salary Grade for the post of Technical Attendant-I shall be Grade I in the Pay Scale of Rs.23000-78000.
3) Basic Pay, D.A., HRA and such other benefits shall be admissible as per the rules of the Corporation.
The cut-off date for age, qualification etc. shall be reckoned as on 12.09.2022.
1) Candidates belonging to General, OBC and EWS categories are required to remit Rs.100/- as application fee. SC/ST/PwBD candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee.
2) The fee is to be paid through online mode only through State Bank Collect of SBI as indicated in Pipelines Recruitment Portal (https://plapps.indianoil.in/). No other mode of fee payment would be acceptable.
3) The Bank Charges/transaction fee/service tax etc., as applicable, while making fee, is to be borne by the candidate.
4) Fees, once paid, will not be refunded under any circumstances.
5) Candidate has to ensure that the online payment of application fee has been made successfully which can be checked from payment history tab in State Bank Collect portal of SBI after making payment. IOCL shall not be responsible for any unsuccessful payments.
6) The candidate has to carefully enter the same Registration Number (received after Part-1 Registration in the online Recruitment Portal), Name, Date of Birth, Mobile Number and e-mail id while making the online payment in State Bank Collect portal of SBI, to ensure correct linking of the application fee paid, with the registration number.
7) Application of candidates for whom the online payment of application fee is not received by IOCL by the last date of receipt of applications, shall not be considered for selection process.
1) Minimum age requirement is 18 years and upper age limit is 26 years as on 12.09.2022.
2) Upper age relaxation of 5 years to SC/ST candidates and 3 years to OBC (Non-creamy layer) candidates shall be available for the posts reserved for them only, as per Govt. Of India guidelines.
3) Age relaxation to Ex-servicemen candidates (ExSM) would be provided as per rules.
4) Upper age relaxation of 10 years for PwBD candidates in the specified disabilities. 13 years for PwBDOBC (Non creamy layer) and 15 years for PwBD-SC/ST category candidates
5) SC/ST/PwBD candidates are exempted from payment of application fee irrespective of the posts reserved for them or not.
6) Only pass marks are required in prescribed induction level qualification for SC/ST candidates against reserved posts.
7) Relaxation of 10% in the minimum qualifying marks in Written Test for SC/ST/PwBD and exservicemen candidates (minimum qualifying marks shall be 30%) would be provided against reserved posts.
8) Outstation SC/ST/PwBD candidates appearing for written test will be reimbursed single second class railway fare from the nearest railway station of the mailing address to the place of test and back by the shortest route on production of ticket and proof of caste certificate, provided the distance is not less than 30 KMs. The reimbursement will be made through banking mode only and hence the candidate needs to inform the bank account number along with the IFSC code of the concerned branch at the time of filling of online application.
9) 20 minutes per hour of extra compensatory time in Written Test shall be given to PwBD candidates for posts reserved for them.
Note: SC/ST/OBC candidates applying against un-reserved posts shall be considered against general standards of merit and no relaxation in age, qualification cut-off marks, cut-off marks prescribed in various selection process of above posts etc shall be extended to them.

1) Selection process shall consist of Written Test and Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT).
2) Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT) shall be qualifying in nature only.
3) Final merit list shall be prepared based on the marks secured in Written Test of only those candidates who are considered FIT in SPPT.
4) Candidate has to secure a minimum of 40% marks in Written Test to qualify for SPPT. For SC/ST/EXSM/PwBD candidates, minimum qualifying marks shall be 30% (after providing 10 % relaxation) against the reserved posts only.
5) Candidates, who secure minimum qualifying marks in the Written Test, shall be shortlisted for Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT) in the ratio of 1:5 i.e. first 5 candidates with the highest score in written test shall be called for SPPT for one vacancy.
6) If there is a tie of scores in written test marks, then all candidates with the same score shall be short-listed for SPPT.
7) The documents shall be checked for only those candidates who qualify in the Written Test and are shortlisted for SPPT, on the day of SPPT. Only those candidates shall be allowed to appear in SPPT whose documents are found in order.
8) If all shortlisted candidates are found ineligible before the SPPT stage on account of not meeting the eligibility criteria of qualification, age etc., then next 5 candidates per vacancy who have qualified in the Written Exam in the order of merit, shall be called for the SPPT, as available. If less than 5 qualified candidates are available, then as many available shall be called for SPPT. If there is a tie of score for the 5th ranked person, then all such qualified candidates shall be called who are tied on that score, even if it exceeds the number of candidates from 5.
9) If after the SPPT all candidates who have appeared in the SPPT are found to be UNFIT, then the next 5 candidates per vacancy as available, who have qualified in the written Test as per the order of merit, shall be called for the SPPT to fill up the post. If less than 5 qualified candidates are available, then as many available shall be called for SPPT. If there is a tie of score for the 5th rank position, then all such qualified candidates shall be called who are tied on that score, even if it exceeds the number of candidates from 5.
10) If only one candidate qualifies in the SPPT and he/she does not join after issuance of offer of appointment, then next 5 candidates per vacancy as available, who qualified in the Written Test as per the order of merit, shall be called for SPPT to fill up the post. If less than 5 qualified candidates are available, then as many available shall be called for SPPT. If there is a tie of score for the 5th position, then all such qualified candidates shall be called who are tied on that score, even if it exceeds the number of candidates from 5.

1) Written Test shall be held tentatively on 06.11.2022 (Sunday).
2) Written Test shall be of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s) consisting of 4 options with one correct option. Candidate has to choose the correct option.
3) There shall be 100 questions in the Written Test and total marks shall be 100. Each correct answer shall carry 1 mark.
4) For the post of Engineering Assistants, out of 100 objective type questions, 75 questions shall be from the concerned engineering discipline of Diploma level and 25 questions on General Aptitude, Reasoning, General English, Numerical Aptitude and General Knowledge etc.
5) For the post of Technical Attendants, out of 100 objective type questions, 75 questions shall be on Technical discipline from General Science and on basic ITI trades like Motor Mechanic, Electrical, and Fitter etc. The remaining 25 questions will be asked on General Aptitude, Reasoning, General English, Numerical Aptitude and General Knowledge.
6) There shall be no negative marking for wrong answers.
7) Duration of Written Test shall be of 90 minutes.
8) Duration of Written Test for PwBD candidates for posts reserved for them shall be of 120 minutes. (including extra Compensatory Time).
1) Candidates are advised to carefully read the full advertisement for details of eligibility criteria and selection modalities before submission of application.
2) Service is transferable to anywhere in India.
3) Selected candidate shall be posted in any of the locations within the Region/Unit as per vacancy, depending on the post applied for by the candidate.
4) Candidates possessing higher qualification other than the prescribed qualification for the post shall not be considered for the above notified posts and should not apply as their candidature shall not be considered.
a. For the post of Engineering Assistant (Electrical)/(Mechanical)/(T&I)/(Operations) in Salary Grade-IV, candidates having qualification of Graduate and above Degree in Engineering, Degrees of MCA, MBA or its equivalent 2-year Post-Graduate Diploma in Marketing/Finance/Human Resource/MSW/Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, CA/ICWA, Master’s Degree in Journalism/Public Relations & Mass Communication, PhD, M.A.(Hindi), MBBS, LL.B. and any other Graduate and above professional qualification which is considered as induction level qualification for Officer’s post in Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., need not apply as they have higher qualifications than the prescribed induction level qualifications for the advertised posts.
b. For the post of Technical Attendant in Salary Grade I, in addition to the higher qualifications mentioned at point no. 14.0, 4(a) above, candidates having qualifications of Diploma in Engineering, Graduation and above in any discipline, need not apply as they have higher qualifications than the prescribed induction level qualifications for the advertised posts. However, the aforesaid list of higher qualifications mentioned at 14.0 4a and 4b above is not exhaustive. Management may determine any other qualification as a higher qualification which is/ are not listed at 14.0 4a and 4b above. The decision of the management in this regard shall be final and no further enquiry shall be entertained in this respect.
5) Candidates, who are pursuing higher qualification on the date of final submission of online application but have acquired/completed the same subsequently at the time of Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT), shall not be eligible for selection and shall not be allowed to appear for SPPT.
6) Candidates with induction level qualification acquired through Distance Learning Mode or Part Time Mode or Correspondence mode shall not be considered.
7) Ex-servicemen candidates who, in addition to induction level qualification prescribed for the notified post, possess additional/ higher qualification certificate issued by the Armed Forces during service with them, will be considered for appearing in Written Test and further selection process provided they give a declaration to the effect that he/she will not make any claim for availing any benefit on the basis of additional/ higher qualification certificate issued to him by the Armed Forces.
8) Candidates, who are short-listed for Written Test, shall have to download their e-Admit Cards for appearing in the Written Test through online portal only on the notified date. Admit Cards shall not be sent by post.
9) Candidates meeting the eligibility criteria can apply online from 12.09.2022 to 10.10.2022 till 18:00 hrs. only, at IOCL website https://plapps.indianoil.in/.
10) All the candidates are advised to keep the printout of the online application form for reference for downloading Admit Card from Pipelines Recruitment Portal https://plapps.indianoil.in/. The candidate shall be required to provide his/her Registration Number, password sent to his email/sms, date of birth along with Captcha details for downloading the Admit Card.

11) Candidates will be required to carry a Photo ID Proof for the Written Test and SPPT. The original Photo ID shall be checked and verified during the Tests. A self-attested photocopy of the same shall also be collected along with the admit card after the Written Test and SPPT. Valid Photo ID proof like Aadhar Card, PAN Card, Driving license, Voter ID card, Passport etc. shall be accepted. Candidates without valid Photo ID shall not be allowed to appear for the Written Test or SPPT.
12) Short-listed candidates have to bring all original certificates/testimonials/ mark sheets along with a passport size photograph and self-attested copies of certificates/mark sheets for checking on the date of Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT). The SPPT may be held on the next day after Written Test.
13) SC/ST/OBC (NCL-non-creamy layer)/PwBD/EWS candidates applying for Unreserved (UR) post shall be considered subject to their fulfilling the standards, qualification criteria as applicable to candidates belonging to General category.
14) Candidates registered with Local/ State/Special Employment Exchange (s) and meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria, are required to apply through online portal only, failing which their candidature will not be considered.
15) Caste/Tribe/Disability/EWS certificate is to be produced by reserved category candidates in the format prescribed by the Govt. Of India and issued by the Competent Authority at the time of SPPT, if they get shortlisted for it.
16) For claiming the benefit of OBC category, the candidate should submit a latest OBC certificate in the proforma prescribed by Govt. of India, which would, among others, specifically mention that the candidate does not belong to the persons/sections (creamy layer) as mentioned in column 3 of the schedule to the Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India OM No. 36012/22/93- Estt.(SCT) dated 08.09.1993. Candidates belonging to OBC category but falling in creamy layer are not entitled to OBC reservation benefits. Further, name of OBC caste mentioned in the certificate should fall in the central list of OBCs of the respective State and non-creamy layer status should be valid as on 12.09.2022.
17) For claiming the benefit applicable to Economically Weaker Section Category (EWS), candidates have to produce latest Income and Asset Certificate issued by the Competent Authority, in the prescribed format, failing which such candidates would be considered as General Category. The format for EWS Income and Asset Certificate is available under the Downloads section of https://plapps.indianoil.in/.
18) Candidates can apply for one Post Code ONLY. Further, only one mobile number and one email ID can be used for applying for the post. The same mobile number and email ID cannot be used by any other candidate for filling online application for this notification.
19) Wherever CGPA/OGPA or Letter Grade is awarded in the Diploma/ Degree/ITI examination, its equivalent aggregate percentage of marks must be indicated in the Online Application Form as per the norms adopted by University/ Institute. The supporting document should also be produced at the time of SPPT in case the candidate gets shortlisted for SPPT.
20) The candidature of the applicant would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of certificates/testimonials. In case it is detected at any stage of selection or thereafter, that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/doctored/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), then the same shall amount to misrepresentation/ fraud and his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected even after appointment, his /her appointment shall be terminated at any time, as per rules of the Corporation.
21) The decision of Management will be final and binding on all candidates on all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, mode of selection, cancellation of the selection process either in part or full, higher qualification etc. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Filling up of the vacancies is solely at the discretion of the management based on suitability of candidates and no claim will arise for selection, if some of these vacancies are not filled due to unsuitability / insufficient number of candidates or due to some administrative reasons.
22) Incomplete application(s) will not be considered. Applications/Registration which are incomplete or not fulfilling the eligibility criteria shall not be considered “Eligible” and treated as “Rejected”.
23) Canvassing of any kind shall disqualify the candidate.
24) Mere selection in written examination or SPPT or empanelment after the selection process shall not confer any right of appointment to the applicants.
25) Candidates employed in Government/Semi government/Public Sector Organization must send their application through proper channel or produce “No Objection Certificate” at the time of appearing in the SPPT. In case the candidate fails to do so, his/her candidature will not be considered.
26) The candidates will have the option to appear for Written Test/SPPT either in Hindi or English.
27) All disputes would be subject to jurisdiction of following High Court-:
a. For Northern Region Pipelines: Chandigarh
b. For Eastern Region Pipelines: Kolkata
c. For Western Region Pipelines: Ahmedabad
d. For Southern Region Pipelines: Chennai
e. For South Eastern Region Pipelines: Cuttack
1) Candidates meeting the above prescribed eligibility criteria should visit IOCL Pipelines recruitment portal at https://plapps.indianoil.in/
2) Candidates are advised to follow the procedure mentioned in above recruitment portal. In case of any difficulty with respect to filling online application or making online payment, please refer to FAQ/How to apply options available in the portal.
3) The portal for submitting online application will be operative from 12.09.2022 till 1800 hrs of 10.10.2022 only.
4) Paper based applications will NOT be accepted.
5) Queries, if any, may be addressed to the following e-mail
Date of opening of online application and publishing of detailed website notification on IOCL Website | 12.09.2022 |
Last date of submission of online application (including payment of application fee of Rs. 100/- for General, EWS and OBC candidates) | 10.10.2022 till 18:00 hrs. |
Tentative date of downloading online admit card | From 27.10.2022 – till 08:00 hrs. of 06.11.2022 |
Tentative date of Written Test for all disciplines | 06.11.2022 (SUNDAY) |
Tentative dates for SPPT for all disciplines | On 07.11.2022. If not completed, on 08.11.2022 then on 09.11.2022 as well. |

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