Indian Bank is a major nationalized bank. It is under the ownership of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. It was established in 1907 and is headquartered in Chennai, India. It serves over 100 million customers with 39,734 employees, 5,744 branches with 5,428 ATMs and Cash deposit machines and is one of the top performing public sector banks in India. Total business of the bank has touched ₹1,010,000 crore (US$130 billion) as on 31 March 2022. The bank’s Information systems and security processes are certified to meet ISO27001:2013 standard. It has overseas branches in Colombo and Singapore including Foreign Currency Banking Units at Colombo and Jaffna. It has 227 overseas correspondent banks in 75 countries. INDIAN BANK, a leading Public Sector Bank, invites Applications for the post of Assistant Manager from Electrical Engineers.
Post | Age Limit | Vacancy |
Assistant Manager (Industrial Development Officer) | Min -20 Max-30 | 150 |
A candidate must be either –
(i) a Citizen of India or
(ii) a subject of Nepal or
(iii) a subject of Bhutan or
(iv) a Tibetan Refugee who came over to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or
(v) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India,
provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
The date for fulfillment of eligibility for Age, Educational/Professional/ Qualification and Work Experience is 01/01/2022.
Post | Educational Qualification | Experience |
Assistant Manager (Industrial Development Officer) | B.E / B.TECH in Electrical / Electronics Engineering | NIL |
Depending upon the number of applications received, Bank at its discretion will decide on the mode of
selection viz.
- Shortlisting of applications followed by interview or
- Written / Online Test followed by Interview
Wherever test is held, the test structure will be as follows:
Subject | Questions | Marks | Duration |
Professional Knowledge (Respective Domain) | 60 | 60 | 2 Hours |

Penalty for wrong answers in test | 1/4th of the mark allotted to the respective question for which a wrong answer is given. There shall be no penalty for an unattended question. |
Cut off score in Test | Number of candidates to be called for interview based on the performance in the written test is 3 times of vacancy for unreserved category and 5 times of vacancy for reserved category. Depending upon the number of vacancies, cut-offs on total mark will be decided and candidates will be shortlisted for interview. |
Interview | Total marks in the interview will be 100. |
Minimum Qualifying marks in Test and Interview | The minimum qualifying mark in Test and Interview is 40 % for candidates belonging to unreserved category / EWS and 35 % for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PWBD categories. In case sufficient number of candidates are not available as per the qualifying criteria then Bank reserves the right to lower the qualifying marks / cut-off as per its discretion. |
Weightage of Test and Interview as per Recruitment | 1.Wherever Test is held the weightage for Test and Interview will be 80:20 |
Policy | 2.Wherever selection is by shortlisting of applications followed by interview the weightage will be 100 % of the Interview Score. |
Merit Order in Test, Interview and Final Merit List | In the event of two or more candidates having obtained the same score in Test / Interview, merit order shall be decided as per date of birth (the candidate senior in age is placed before / above the candidate junior in age). |
The selected candidates in Scale I posts will be on probation for a period of 2 years from the date of joining. Their confirmation in the Bank’s service will be decided in terms of the provisions of Indian Bank Officers Service Regulations, 1979.
The selected candidates will be posted as per the requirement of the Bank and thereafter liable to be transferred anywhere in India.
- An appointed candidate shall not leave or discontinue service in the Bank without giving notice in writing, of the intention to leave or discontinue the services or resign.
- The period of notice required shall be 3 months of active service. Candidate shall execute an ,Indemnity Bond with Surety‟ undertaking to serve the Bank for minimum period of two years.
- If an appointed candidate intend to leave or discontinue the services or resign from the services of the Bank before completion of 2 years of service from the date of joining the Bank, he/she shall reimburse the Bond amount of Rs 2 lakhs along with salary for the un-served notice period and the cost incurred by the Bank for imparting training and any other expenses that the Bank has incurred on his/her behalf.
On-line registration including Edit/Modification of Application by candidates | 24.05.2022 to 14.06.2022 |
Payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges (Online) | 24.05.2022 to 14.06.2022 |
- Mark sheets or certificates for educational qualifications. Proper document from Board / University for having declared the result on or before 01.01.2022 has to be submitted.
- The candidates shall produce the original experience certificate at the time of Interview for at least the minimum number of years as required from one or more number of employers where they have gained the experience. The certificate produced by them shall state the period for which they had worked in the Department or Domain concerned. Final decision taken by the Bank with regard to acceptability of the experience certificate submitted by the candidate rests with the Bank and is binding on the candidates.
- Candidates will have to invariably produce and submit the requisite documents such as valid call letter, a photocopy of photo-identity proof bearing the same name as it appears on the application form etc. at the time of Test / Interview respectively.
- Before applying for the mentioned specialist posts, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned in this advertisement. Candidates are therefore advised to carefully read this advertisement and follow all the instructions given for submitting application
- Candidate’s admission to the Test/ shortlisting for interview/ and subsequent processes is strictly provisional. The mere fact that the call letter(s) has been issued to the candidate does not imply that his/ her candidature has been finally cleared by the Bank. Bank would be free to reject any application, at any stage of the process, cancel the candidature of the candidate in case it is detected at any stage that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s).
- If candidature of any candidate is rejected for any reason according to the terms and 24 conditions of this advertisement, no further representation in this regard will be entertained. Such decisions shall be final and binding on the candidate. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected after appointment in Bank, his/her services are liable to be summarily terminated.

- Decision of Bank in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, the stages at which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken, qualifications and other eligibility norms, the documents to be produced for the purpose of the Test /Interview, verification etc. and any other matter relating to this recruitment will be final and binding on the candidate. No correspondence or personal enquiries shall be entertained by Bank in this behalf.
- The scribe arranged by the candidate should not be a candidate for this recruitment process. If violation of the above is detected at any stage of the process, candidature for the extant recruitment process of both the candidate and the scribe will be cancelled.
- A candidate can apply for only one post and not more than one application should be submitted by any candidate. In case of multiple Applications only the latest valid (completed) application will be retained and the application fee/ intimation charges paid for the other multiple registration(s) will stand forfeited.
- Any unruly behavior/misbehavior in the Test/Interview would result in cancellation of candidature/ disqualification from future exams conducted by the Bank.
- Multiple attendance/ appearances in the Test / interview will be summarily rejected/ candidature cancelled.
- Online applications once registered will not be allowed to be withdrawn and/or the application fee/ intimation charges once paid will not be refunded nor be held in reserve for any other examination.
- Any canvassing or creating influence for undue advantage shall lead to disqualification from the process.
- Any request for change of address, details mentioned in the online application form will not be entertained.
- Any request for change of date, time and venue for Test/ Interview will not be entertained.
- In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation of clauses in any version of this advertisement other than English, the English version available on Bank website shall prevail.
- A candidate should ensure that the signatures appended by him/her in all the places viz. in his/her call letter, attendance sheet etc. and in all correspondence with the Bank in future should be identical and there should be no variation of any kind. Signature in CAPITAL LETTERS will not be acceptable.
- A recent, recognizable photograph (4.5cm × 3.5cm) should be uploaded by the candidate in the online application form and the candidate should ensure that copies of the same are retained for use at various stages of the process.
- Candidates are also advised not to change their appearance till the process is completed. Failure to produce the same photograph at various stages of the process or doubt about identity at any stage could lead to disqualification. 25
- The possibility of occurrence of a problem in the administration of the examination cannot be ruled out completely which may impact test delivery and/or result from being generated.

- In that event, every effort will be made to rectify such problem, which may include movement of candidates, delay in test. Conduct of a re-exam is at the absolute discretion of Bank. Candidates will not have any claim for a re-test. Candidates not willing to move or not willing to participate in the delayed process of test delivery shall be summarily rejected from the process.
- Candidates will have to appear for the interview at their own expense. However, eligible outstation SC/ST/Persons with Benchmark Disabilities category candidates, called for interview will be paid II class to & fro railway/ bus fare or actual expenses incurred, whichever is less, by shortest route on production of proof of travel (rail/ bus ticket etc.). The above concession will not be admissible to SC/ST/Persons with Benchmark Disabilities category candidates, who are already in service in Central / State Government, Corporations, Public Undertakings / Local Government, Institutions and Panchayats etc.
- Bank shall not be responsible for any application made/ wrong information provided by an unauthorized person / institution. Candidates are advised not to share/ mention their application details with/to anyone.

- Bank reserves the right to change (cancel/ modify/ add) any of the criteria, structure of examination, method of selection etc.
- Intimations will be sent by email and/ or sms only to the email ID and mobile number registered in the online application form. Claim of non receipt of SMS / email will not be entertained and as such Candidates are advised to visit the career page of Bank website www.indianbank.in regularly for information related to this recruitment project.
- Bank shall not be responsible if the information/ intimations do not reach candidates in case of change in the mobile number, email address, technical fault or otherwise, beyond the control of Bank and candidates are advised to keep a close watch on the career page of Bank website www.indianbank.in regularly for information related to this recruitment project.
- Any resulting dispute arising out of this advertisement including the recruitment process shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Chennai.
- Please note that all the particulars mentioned in the online application form including Name of the Candidate, Category, Date of Birth, Post Applied for, Address, Mobile Number, Email ID, Centre of Examination, registration of preferences for Participating Banks etc. will be considered as final and no change/modifications will be allowed after submission of the online application form.
- Candidates are hence requested to fill in the online application form with the utmost care as no correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained. Bank will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of furnishing of incorrect and incomplete details in the online application form or omission to provide the required details in the online application form.
Detailed guidelines/procedures for:
A. Application Registration
B. Payment of Fees
Candidates can apply through online only from 24.05.2022 to 14.06.2022. No other mode of application will be accepted.
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